To coincide with the launch, we have reopened our online store under the name THE HEARTBREAKERS.
THE HEARTBREAKERS was the name of a street-front store that was open until last year, and it sold not only BEDWIN, but also select items that matched the collections, and held events.
In conjunction with this renewal, we will begin to gradually sell items other than BEDWIN, just like we do in our street-level stores, and will also be providing you with content that is unique to the online store.
We would like to thank you for your continued patronage of THE HEARTBREAKERS.
We are pleased to announce the launch of BEDWIN & THE HEARTBREAKERS 2022 SPRING / SUMMER today.
To coincide with the launch, we have reopened our online store as "THE HEARTBREAKERS".
THE HEARTBREAKERS" is the name of the street store that was open until last year, and of course BEDWIN, we had been developing select items and events that match the collection.
This time, the store will be revived as an online store, offering items other than BEDWIN as well as other contents.
We hope that you will continue to support "THE HEARTBREAKERS".